Best Reiki Books: Top 5 Must-Reads for 2023

Best Reiki Books: Top 5 Must-Reads for 2023

Reiki is a powerful healing technique that has gained popularity across the globe for its ability to promote relaxation and well-being. This ancient Japanese practice focuses on the movement and balance of energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. For those eager to learn more about Reiki and even become practitioners themselves, the right book can be an invaluable resource.

There are numerous Reiki books available, offering insights into the origins, principles, and techniques of this enigmatic healing art. With the right book, beginners can gain a solid foundation in Reiki principles and practices, while experienced practitioners can deepen their understanding and expand their skillsets. Whether you are a novice or an experienced Reiki master, there is a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored.

When choosing a Reiki book, it’s essential to consider a variety of factors. These may include the author’s credentials, the book’s intended audience, the depth and breadth of the information presented, and the clarity of the writing. A well-written and comprehensive book will provide readers with the necessary tools and techniques to understand, practice, and advance their Reiki journey.

In our quest to help you find the best Reiki books, we have carefully reviewed, analyzed, and compared a vast range of resources. The result is an insightful selection of books that cater to different learning styles and experience levels. Join us as we delve into the world of Reiki and unveil the top choices that will help you embark on or deepen your own personal journey towards spiritual growth and healing.

Best Reiki Books

We have compiled a list of the best Reiki books for you to explore and deepen your understanding of this powerful healing practice. Check out our top recommendations below:

Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art

Essential Reiki

We highly recommend Essential Reiki for anyone looking to learn and deepen their understanding of Reiki healing.


  • Comprehensive and easy to understand
  • Suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners
  • Provides a strong foundation in Reiki principles


  • Not a substitute for hands-on training
  • Publication date is from 1995, might miss latest developments
  • Relatively short book at only 156 pages

Our experience with Essential Reiki has been a fulfilling one as it presents all the necessary information in an easy-to-digest manner. The book covers the basics of Reiki and also delves into more advanced theories and practices, making it suitable for both new and experienced Reiki practitioners.

Diane Stein, the author, shares her personal thoughts and experiences, giving readers valuable insights into the world of Reiki healing. The book is well-structured, gradually building upon the concepts introduced, and allows for a comprehensive understanding of this ancient healing art.

Despite its many merits, we should note that Essential Reiki is not a substitute for hands-on training with a qualified Reiki master. Readers should use the book in conjunction with practical training to fully grasp the power and techniques of Reiki healing. Additionally, the book was published in 1995, so some more recent developments in the field of Reiki may not be captured. Finally, the book is relatively short at 156 pages, so readers looking for a more detailed and in-depth exploration of Reiki may need additional resources.

Overall, Essential Reiki remains an excellent starting point for anyone looking to learn about Reiki healing. It provides a solid foundation for further learning and personal growth in this powerful healing modality.

The Reiki Manual: A Training Guide for Reiki Students, Practitioners, and Masters

The Reiki Manual

This is an essential resource for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and practice of Reiki.


  • Comprehensive content for all Reiki levels
  • Clear and easy-to-understand instructions
  • Helpful for both students and teachers


  • May not cover certain teaching styles
  • Focuses on UK regulations rather than US
  • Some users may prefer more in-depth information

As Reiki practitioners ourselves, we find this manual to be an indispensable guide for anyone on their journey with Reiki, from beginners to experienced masters. It comprehensively covers techniques and information at each level, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the practice.

The clear, easy-to-follow instructions make it simple to grasp various Reiki concepts, and the wealth of information makes it ideal for both students and teachers. Furthermore, we appreciate the Reiki Manual’s focus on not just techniques but also guidelines for teaching and sharing Reiki with others.

However, this manual may not suit all teaching styles, as some users may have unique approaches that are not covered in the content. Additionally, as the focus is on UK Reiki regulations, it may not be as relevant for practitioners in the US. For those seeking more in-depth information, they may find that the Reiki Manual does not delve as deeply as they might like into certain topics.

In conclusion, we highly recommend The Reiki Manual: A Training Guide for Reiki Students, Practitioners, and Masters to anyone looking to expand their knowledge and practice. Despite some minor drawbacks, this manual remains an invaluable resource for the Reiki community.

The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui

The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui

This book is a valuable resource for those interested in the authentic Reiki teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui.


  • Clear explanations of Reiki techniques
  • Step-by-step guides with pictures
  • Insight into the origins and philosophy of Reiki


  • Slim volume – only 79 pages
  • Thin pages
  • Not comprehensive for advanced practitioners

The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui is an essential read for anyone involved or interested in Reiki. We found the clear explanations and step-by-step guides with pictures particularly helpful in understanding the Reiki techniques. The book offers valuable insights into the origins and philosophy of Dr. Usui’s teachings, making it an excellent resource for beginners.

While the book is slim at only 79 pages, we appreciate its concise and straightforward approach. The high-quality color illustrations add to its value, helping readers visualize the hand positions and techniques described. However, the thinness of the pages could be a minor issue for some readers who prefer a sturdier feel.

For advanced Reiki practitioners, the book may not be as comprehensive as desired, but it still serves as a valuable reference. Overall, The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui is an informative and practical guide for all those interested in Reiki, whether they are just beginning their journey or looking to deepen their understanding.

Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Reiki

Llewellyn's Complete Book of Reiki

This comprehensive guide is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of Reiki and learn practical techniques for self-healing and balance.


  • In-depth and holistic approach to Reiki
  • Easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations
  • Includes both history and practical applications


  • Might feel overwhelming for beginners
  • Not a quick reference guide
  • Some readers might find it dense

After spending time with Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Reiki, we can confidently say that it is an invaluable resource for those interested in exploring Reiki and its benefits. The book provides a comprehensive look at the history and theory behind Reiki, as well as practical instructions for hands-on healing techniques. We found the book easy to follow, with clear illustrations and explanations to help guide our practice.

One of the most noticeable aspects of this book is its commitment to providing an in-depth and holistic understanding of Reiki as a healing practice. This is evident in the inclusion of both historical context and hands-on techniques, allowing for a well-rounded education in the field. It is evident that the author has extensive knowledge and experience with Reiki, making us feel confident in the information provided.

While the depth of content is incredible, it might feel overwhelming for beginners who are just starting their journey with Reiki. The book is quite dense, with extensive information packed into each page. This is a fantastic resource for learning but may not serve as the best quick reference guide for those seeking a more simplified approach.

In conclusion, Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Reiki is a valuable addition to any Reiki practitioner’s library. The depth of information provided, combined with easy-to-follow instructions and illustrations, make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to deepen their understanding and practice of this powerful healing technique. For beginners, this book may be slightly overwhelming, but we believe the benefits it offers far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing

Reiki Best Practices

This book is an excellent resource for Reiki practitioners looking to expand their knowledge and skills with detailed, easy-to-follow techniques.


  • Comprehensive instructions for all Reiki levels
  • Offers various exercises for practical application
  • Includes treatment techniques for pets and appliances


  • May be too formulaic for some readers
  • Presentation a bit rigid for more intuitive practitioners
  • Heavily oriented towards traditional approaches

As Reiki practitioners, we found “Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing” to be an invaluable addition to our library. Covering techniques for all three Reiki degrees, the book provides clear instructions and exercises for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

We appreciated the wide range of practical applications presented in this book, from treating pets to charging household appliances with Reiki energy. These creative suggestions make it easier for us to incorporate Reiki into various aspects of our daily lives, deepening our connection to this healing modality.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that some readers may not prefer the more rigid, formulaic approach presented in this book. For those who practice Reiki in a more fluid, intuitive manner, some of the structured techniques may seem limiting.

Overall, “Reiki Best Practices: Wonderful Tools of Healing” is a valuable resource for Reiki practitioners of all levels. It serves as both a comprehensive guide and a helpful reference tool for expanding your understanding and application of Reiki healing.

Buying Guide

When looking for the best Reiki books, there are several factors to consider. In this buying guide, we will help you choose the right book that meets your needs.

Content and Depth

The content of the book is an essential factor to think about. It should cover the fundamental principles of Reiki and provide clear explanations, practical examples, and case studies for better understanding. Some books may also look into advanced techniques and practices, which can be helpful for those seeking to expand their knowledge.

Author Expertise

The author’s background and expertise play a significant role in the quality and accuracy of the information presented in the book. Look for authors who have extensive experience in the field of Reiki, hold relevant certifications, or have been recognized by professional associations. This will ensure that you are learning from an expert in the field.

Writing Style and Accessibility

A good Reiki book should be written in a clear, concise, and approachable manner. It should cater to beginners and experts alike, ensuring that readers with varying levels of experience can follow and understand the concepts. Search for books that have been well-reviewed for their writing style, practical explanations, and overall accessibility.

Additional Resources

Some Reiki books may come with additional resources, such as guided meditations, instructional videos, or even supplementary courses. These extra materials can offer more hands-on practice and valuable insights, enhancing your learning experience.

By considering these factors, you can select the best Reiki book that suits your needs and learning preferences. Happy reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top books for Reiki beginners?

For Reiki beginners, we recommend starting with these three essential books:

  • “The Reiki Manual: A Training Guide for Reiki Students, Practitioners, and Masters” by Penelope Quest and Kathy Roberts
  • “Reiki for Life: The Complete Guide to Reiki Practice for Levels 1, 2 & 3” by Penelope Quest
  • “The Reiki Healing Bible: Transmit Healing Energy Through Your Hands to Achieve Deep Relaxation, Inner Peace and Total Well-being” by Richard Ellis

These books provide a solid foundation in understanding the principles, techniques, and practices of Reiki, making it easy for beginners to get started.

Which books cover Reiki and meditation techniques?

If you’re interested in incorporating meditation techniques into your Reiki practice, these books will guide you:

  • “The Reiki Master Handbook: A Guide for Reiki Masters and Practitioners to Share the Healing Powers of Reiki with Others” by Melissa Broadway
  • “Reiki and the Healing Buddha” by Maureen J. Kelly
  • “Reiki, Crystals, and Chakras: A Complete Guide for Energy Healing” by Susan Tovey

These books provide insights into combining Reiki with meditation, enhancing both your healing practice and personal spiritual journey.

What are the best books for learning Reiki at different levels?

Each Reiki level comes with new challenges and techniques. The following books cater to each level:

  • Level 1: “Reiki for Beginners: The Step-by-Step Guide to Natural Healing” by Jessica Ashe
  • Level 2: “Reiki Level II Manual” by William Lee Rand
  • Level 3: “The Reiki Teacher’s Manual: A Guide for Teachers, Students, and Practitioners” by Tina Zion

These books offer comprehensive guidance for learning and practicing Reiki, from beginner to advanced levels and mastery.

Who are the renowned authors in the Reiki field?

Some of the most respected and published authors in the Reiki field include:

  • Penelope Quest, a renowned Reiki Master and Trainer
  • William Lee Rand, the founder of the International Center for Reiki Training
  • Frank Arjava Petter, an influential teacher in the field of Reiki

Their books offer valuable insights and techniques, providing a wealth of knowledge to Reiki practitioners of all levels.

Are there any comprehensive Reiki healing manuals?

Here are some comprehensive manuals to support your Reiki healing journey:

  • “The Ultimate Reiki Guide for Practitioners and Masters” by Lawrence Ellyard
  • “The Reiki Practitioner’s Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Practice of Reiki Healing” by Tonya Polonski
  • “The Animal Reiki Handbook: A Practical Guide to Healing Animals” by Shelley Bishop

These manuals cover a wide range of topics to deepen your understanding of Reiki and its healing potential.

Where can I find Reiki books for self-learning?

Reiki books for self-learning are available online through digital platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Barnes & Noble Nook. You can also find them at local bookstores, libraries, or by searching for recommendations in Reiki communities and forums. Don’t hesitate to explore various sources to find the perfect book for your self-learning journey.